Extremist Jello Brain

An und8able blog post by Agnieska on Mar 4th, 2202

It's amazing how extremist views (in either direction) can turn people into mindless zombies. It's like watching someone you knew fairly well have their brain turn to Jello over the years!

Keep in mind I hadn't talked to this person in many years, and she was never such an extremist back then. This was the first thing she contacted me with in about a decade, totally unsolicited, and she just jumped right in with harsh photos and slander of what she referred to as "True Ukraine" straight out of the gate!!

HI Aga! What in the world are these photos?


True Ukraine


Please learn history of Europe

Weird. Weird that you would feel that way, weird that you would be in favor of Russia bombing a nuclear power plant that could kill millions especially that close to Poland. Just weird.

I am learning the history, and not all people are right all the time. And weirdos exist in every country. But I think you have gone off the deep end ? It's too bad.

That would be exactly like saying that America would allow an invader to kill us all because some of us are white supremicists.

You sent

Good luck with your position! I think you have picked the wrong horse in this race. I genuinely hope Putin doesn't attack Poland next.


No I’m not with Putin.


Aga Wardach

USA is big problem

You sent

Oh, OK. Good. Then maybe you can try to let them save their country and lives first before you start launching a propaganda campaign against them? Maybe fight that cause another day when they are not having their families murdered!


Aga Wardach

How you know my family is not in Ukraine?

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Don't worry, if Putin steps into Zeszow the "problem" USA will be there to save them.

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I don't know that. How do you know MY family is not there?


I hope your family is save there. My is ok for now. I just talk to them


Aga Wardach

USA always make money. They don’t care about people

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Good. Also my coworkers, who I speak to every day, who are writing code at their desk in miltary gear and the gun next to them, are fine too. My lead developer and his neighbors have killed or captured fourteen Russians and none of them have died yet. I'll let them know you think they are Nazis.

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You are from USA, that makes it true that you only care about money and not people. You should be a kinder person.


Aga Wardach

I’m not taking about Ukraine or USA people. Just government

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Ah, OK. That is also not clear in your messaging. And also, still don't know how that means Ukrainians are Nazis. Your messaging is really confused and not supported by much fact, but I can see you are absolutely committed to it so I won't press you on it. Just remember you're indirectly undermining the resistance against Poland's next occupying force if NATO doesn't step in.



Aga Wardach

War is not way for anybody.

You sent

Yes, Aga. Some people are bad, some people are wrong, and some people have to make crappy decisions. And everyone has critics. And many people, including yourself, are informed by sketchy, uncredited sources and propaganda. And ALL those people believe that their way is the only correct view, which makes them dangerous or at least unhelpful. Consider your sources, if you can. But I feel you would argue with any counterpoint, even if it were first-hand live accounts right from the soldier's own mouths.


Aga Wardach

Why USA not sent food to Poland for people just army and gun?

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Yep, war is not a way for anyone. So why choose a time when Ukrainians are being killed in their homes to call them Nazis - it seems you aren't directing your efforts at the people that deserve it. You're not helping.

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Don't know - do you know? Maybe food can come from much closer but guns and soldiers can't. Seems you want to tell USA they are assholes because they didn't send EVERYTHING.

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Also, I'm absolutely positive we have sent other supplies, there are hundreds of charities operating now. I know this for sure.


Aga Wardach

You just see propaganda. Very sad.

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Your position is ungrateful, misinformed and damaging. And honestly, very strange considering you're Polish. I don't know how you got such an extreme opinion and such a burning desire to push it on people. Its very, weird.


Aga Wardach

I don’t

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You say I just see propaganda yet I am sharing video shot but someone I know personally, that's not propaganda.

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Not sure what you're trying to prove or win, but... bad form. Bad timing, bad form and honestly you're kinda a little bit part of the problem and definitely not at all part of the solution with what you are spreading. Its just, weird.


Aga Wardach

I have different information than you.

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Of course you do! Consider your sources.

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Grow some balls and post a video from someone in the conflict, someone with their home being bombed, and see if THEY want to talk about Ukrainians being the problem. Again, weird.


Aga Wardach

USA, UE UK is the problem using Ukraine

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OK, Aga. We schemed to make Putin attack for our benefit. Weird.

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You must know things that none of the scholars, talk show hosts or pundits know. You seem to be WAAAY out in left field and relatively alone on this.


Aga Wardach

No I didn’t say that. You don’t.

Putin shouldn’t start war.

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Either you are a genius and you should be on TV Sunday morning or that makes you somewhat "fringe" and cult-like.


Aga Wardach

War could be prevented

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OK, please save us - because all of our leaders literally just love money and can't figure out how to stop Putin, but you've got the answers. So POST THAT! Instead of slandering the victims, which helps NOBODY...

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Be CONSTRUCTIVE instead of just telling everyone they are wrong and proposing no solution.


Aga Wardach

Lol don’t be jealous because I have money

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Your only position on helping the Ukrainians seems to be to spread the word that Ukrainians are bad people. Honestly, it's embarrassing!


Aga Wardach

I hope you know 2 sides not just propaganda

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OK, I didn't know if you had money but I'm glad for you in that respect then too

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You should donate some of it to the Ukrainians - I'm sure you are already.


No, I did say Ukrainian are bad people

Banderas people not Ukrainians


Aga Wardach

Don’t worry I shored my money

You sent

OK. Try refining your message and once you figure out what effect you are trying to have on people then maybe try again? But consider your sources and also how you are being received. It's not good. Telling you as a friend.


Todd learn few different sides of this conflict.


Aga Wardach

Putin is not just one who is responsible for it

You sent

Doesn't matter. Despite the fact that I don't agree with you, nor do generals and spies and intelligence officers, they are killing innocent people, they are wrong and they have to be stopped. And you're not helping with that, which makes your message ill-timed and ineffective.

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Again, you must know what's really happening in Putin's chamber while the rest of the world does not. Makes you very elite, or very strange.


Aga Wardach

Innocent people are killing because of politics

You sent

I don't have any will to fight this point with anyone, but you clearly do, so again - good luck to all, but please consider your sources and the effect your messaging is having on people. You cannot "un-ring this bell" and your posts are going to look awfully foolish later, especially if Putin continues his campaign of genocide in Poland's back yard.

You sent

Politics are not blowing up apartment building with children in them right now. Bombs are, fired by crying baby Russian "soldiers"

You sent

If you're going to save Ukraine with your wisdom, please hurry. I haven't seen ANY of your solutions yet.

If you're going to save Ukraine with your wisdom, please hurry. I haven't seen ANY of your solutions yet.
16 minutes ago
Ok Todd. All should never happen
Remember is more sides every story.
14 minutes ago · Sent from Mobile
Yes. Let's save the other points for later, maybe? No need to call them names or undermine the resistance while their cities are burning.
9 minutes ago
Learn who really sponsored Hitler.
I think we know different history.
3 minutes ago · Sent from Mobile
Sorry you went off the deep end, Aga. I don't know who hurt you but I hope you find your way.
3 minutes ago
Lol nobody hurt me
I can’t believe people ignorance and miss information
2 minutes ago · Seen 8:57 AM · Sent from Mobile

I'm just saying...

It really doesn't matter if I'm wrong or right - these people will fight to the death over no tangible or specific point at all! And there's no convincing them - frustrating considering how you're not even really trying...

It's almost like arguing with a bad AI chatbot that has only learned certain clips to respond with. Like the lights are on but nobody's home!

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